FAQs or 10 Most Common Responses

1. Does stabilized moss contain harmful substances?

The moss we use does not contain any harmful substances. We have chosen a reputable supplier who has been dedicated to harvesting and stabilizing moss for decades. The supplier guarantees the quality and long-term durability of the moss. The stabilization process has been developed over decades, is performed manually, and quality control is maintained throughout the process. The colours and chemicals used in the process are not toxic or harmful. To our knowledge, moss does not harm pets, but we advise against letting them eat it. After all, they have their own treats.

2. What are the requirements for installing moss wall art?

Moss wall art is suitable for any type of private, commercial, or public indoor space. The best installation surfaces are walls. Stabilized moss is an inspiring product that attracts people to touch it. However, we caution that excessive handling may damage it. Do not install moss wall art in places exposed to direct sunlight or consistently high temperatures, or near heaters and air conditioners, even though stabilized moss is non-flammable.

3. Do moss wall art pieces affect the acoustic properties of a space?

The moss we use has been tested for sound absorption and naturally softens sound. The sound absorption is most effective at frequencies where speech occurs. Therefore, moss wall art is an excellent addition for reducing noise in a space.

4. Are moss wall art pieces fire-resistant?

The stabilized moss used in moss wall art is an effective fire-resistant material that slows down the ignition of the underlying material. It has been tested for fire safety and meets the B s2 d0 fire classification requirements of DIN EN 13501-1:2010:01 for building materials. However, the wooden frame does not possess this fire-resistant ability. Therefore, moss wall art pieces in wooden frames are not fire-resistant.

5. Do moss wall art pieces attract household dust? Do they require sunlight or watering?

All our stabilized moss products are maintenance-free and do not require sunlight. We do not recommend installing the artwork in places exposed to direct sunlight. Our products do not require watering. We do not recommend spraying them with water or other liquids as spraying can dilute the preservatives. Similarly, we do not recommend installing our artwork in places where there is likely to be water spray or extremely high humidity (such as showers, bathrooms, or near faucets). Surprisingly, our products hardly attract household dust. If necessary, they can be dusted, blown clean with a gentle vacuum, or a hairdryer.

6. Why does moss dry out? What can I do?

When the relative humidity of the air is less than 40%, moss generally becomes brittle. It should then only be touched with the utmost care. After increasing the humidity level, the moss will soften again. It can dry out and soften several times without damaging the product. A humidifier is recommended for overly dry spaces in a room to keep the pictures fresh and the moss soft.

7. Do moss pictures have a scent?

Stabilized moss usually has a natural, fungal scent. A slight scent may appear when the products are removed from the packaging. When using other materials in the moss picture, it may smell more pungent than the moss itself. It depends on the picture and its material composition. When the product is newly made and fresh, the scent may be more intense, but it will disappear over time. Remember that everyone perceives smells individually.

8. Will the colour of moss art disappear or fade?

Since moss naturally absorbs and releases moisture from the air, the adhesion of the colour pigments is never absolute. In some cases, this may cause light-coloured stains on your fingers when touched. The colour is not harmful and can be washed off with water and soap. Over time, the colouration will stabilize. However, some changes are possible over a long period. Despite the fact that the dyes used are chosen to have maximum lightfastness, exposure to direct sunlight can cause fading. Please note that changes in air humidity can temporarily change the colour shade. The more humid the air, the darker the colour, and the drier the air, the lighter the colour.

9. How long will moss art last?

Honestly, we do not know the life cycle of our moss art yet. We rely on the experience and references of our moss suppliers. Their moss products have been installed over 10 years ago and are still in good condition. With proper use and under the right conditions, the products can last for several years. We will inform you when we find out the shelf life of our products.

10. What is the warranty and service for moss art?

Buying moss art from us does not end with the purchase. We guarantee you a minimum of two years warranty. Why a minimum? Because the moss we use has a much longer lifespan. In case of damage caused by you or your pets, beyond the scope of the warranty, we are happy to repair the art under acceptable and pre-agreed conditions.